Learn about Emily

18 months ago, I was serving on the City of Mountain View’s Rental Housing Committee, fighting to ensure that 15,000 of our families are protected from dramatic rent increases that could force them into homelessness. I had gained a reputation as a strong advocate for building more housing, protecting tenants, and strengthening local campaign finance laws to increase trust in government.

When a vacancy opened up on the City Council, I saw a chance to further my commitment to public service and decided to run for the position. With a strong showing of community support, I was honored to earn the vote of five of six Councilmembers, becoming the first person of Filipino descent to sit on the Mountain View City Council. I feel deeply grateful to have served alongside my colleagues over the past year and a half.

In that (relatively) short time, we passed a strong Housing Element with policies to respond to displacement and remove barriers to building more housing, work that was recognized by the California Housing and Community Development Department (HCD) when they made Mountain View the only city in Santa Clara County to earn the state’s “pro-housing” designation. We invested in small businesses, post-pandemic recovery, workforce development, and affordable housing, moving our city toward a vibrant, inclusive, and sustainable future.

I’m running for City Council to continue this work and keep our city at the forefront of innovative solutions to our greatest challenges. And it will take all of us working together to make it so.

Mountain View is home, whether your family has lived here for generations or if you just moved in. As a daughter of Filipino immigrants who came to this country seeking a better future for their family, I’m grateful to live in a city where anyone can make a difference, and I hope to keep doing just that.

Together, I know we will celebrate a big victory on the ballot and achieve great things for Mountain View on the City Council. I extend my deepest gratitude in advance for your support.


PO Box 1026
Mountain View, California 94042