Mountain View is Home

As your councilmember, I'm committed to finding and advancing innovative solutions for our city's most pressing challenges. By working together, we can ensure that Mountain View remains a vibrant, welcoming home for generations to come.


My goal is to create a range of housing solutions to ensure Mountain View is home for past, current, and future residents. To achieve this, I will:

  • Streamline the process for building new housing at affordability levels that meet everyone's needs
  • Preserve affordable housing through innovative community ownership models, non-profit acquisitions, funding for rehabilitation and extension of affordability covenants, and more
  • Protect tenants by implementing displacement response programs and financial assistance programs for low income renters

Climate Resiliency

I'm dedicated to advancing innovative solutions to make Mountain View a leader in climate resilience. My goals include:

  • Ensuring our infrastructure supports safe, accessible alternatives to car transportation
  • Promoting programs for pollinator habitats and equitable open spaces
  • Expand opportunities and support resident education on zero waste and easy recycling
  • Investing in flood protection and environmental stewardship to preserve our natural resources, especially in North Bayshore

Civic Participation

I believe that an open, responsive government can create a Mountain View that works for everyone. My objectives include:

  • Making government participation is rewarding for every resident, ensuring all voices are heard and valued
  • Promoting contribution & expenditure agreements to increase equity and transparency in city campaigns
  • Ensuring city outreach accounts for our diversity with multi-language support and inclusive engagement efforts

Support Emily

Support Emily’s campaign to create a more affordable, sustainable, and inclusive Mountain View. Every contribution makes a difference!


PO Box 1026
Mountain View, California 94042